10 Popular Manchester, NH Neighborhoods: Where to Live in Manchester in 2024

Trending 11 months ago

With its charming downtown area, rich history, vibrant arts scene, and beautiful parks, Manchester, NH, draws residents from each over. Whether it’s nan lively events astatine Veterans Park, nan delicious section cuisine, aliases nan historical architecture of nan Millyard District, location is ever thing to research and bask successful this city. So if you’re considering surviving successful this New Hampshire town, location are plentifulness of historical homes and charming apartments for rent successful Manchester. For example, nan average rent successful Manchester is $1,932, while nan median location waste value is $402,000.

At Redfin, we’ve gathered 10 celebrated Manchester neighborhoods to research this year. From nan charming vicinity of Rimmon Heights to nan vibrant Southside area, galore unsocial areas dress up this move city. Let’s research them.

Manchester, New Hampshire skyline on nan banks of nan Merrimack River astatine night. Manchester is nan largest metropolis successful nan authorities of New Hampshire and nan largest metropolis successful bluish New England. Manchester is known for its business heritage, riverside mills, affordability, and arts & taste destination.

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1. Bakersville

Bakersville is located southbound of Downtown Manchester. This vicinity is location to nan Merrimack River Park, a scenic parkland pinch views of nan river. Bakersville features a operation of single-family homes and flat buildings – nan architectural styles see colonial, ranch, and modern homes.

Median Sale Price: $470,000

Homes for Sale successful Bakersville | Apartments for Rent successful Bakersville

2. Kalivas Union

Kalivas Union is conscionable eastbound of nan downtown area. This vicinity is location to Gill Stadium, Stanton Park, Sheehan-Basquil Park, and plentifulness of section shops and restaurants. Kalivas Union features a operation of historical Victorian homes and modern townhouses.

Median Sale Price: $389,900

Homes for Sale successful Kalivas Union | Apartments for Rent successful Kalivas Union

3. Downtown Manchester

Downtown Manchester is located successful nan bosom of nan city, known for its historical 19th-century mill buildings and stream views. This vicinity is location to iconic landmarks, for illustration nan Palace Theatre, nan Currier Museum of Art, and nan SNHU Arena. You tin besides find parks for illustration Veteran’s Memorial Park and Arms Park. Downtown Manchester features a operation of historical brownstones and modern high-rise apartments. You tin besides find Victorian, Art Deco, and modern buildings.

Median Sale Price: $544,121

Average Rent for 1-Bedroom Apartment: $1,289 | Average Rent for 2-Bedroom Apartment: $1,500

Homes for Sale successful Downtown Manchester | Apartments for Rent successful Downtown Manchester


4. Hallsville

Hallsville is simply a charming vicinity connected nan eastbound broadside of Manchester. The area is location to plentifulness of section restaurants and a fewer parks. Hallsville features a operation of single-family homes and duplexes. The architectural styles successful this vicinity see colonial, ranch, and modern homes.

Median Sale Price: $422,000

Homes for Sale successful Hallsville | Apartments for Rent successful Hallsville

5. North End

North End is conscionable northbound of Downtown Manchester. This vicinity has riverfront views and parks for illustration Stark Park and Livingston Park. It’s besides adjacent to landmarks for illustration Frank Lloyd Wright’s Zimmerman House and Toufic H. Kalil House. North End has historical Colonial and Victorian homes, arsenic good arsenic modern townhouses.

Median Sale Price: $485,000

Average Rent for 1-Bedroom Apartment: $1,725 | Average Rent for 2-Bedroom Apartment: $1,925

Homes for Sale successful North End | Apartments for Rent successful North End

6. Rimmon Heights

Rimmon Heights is successful nan southwestern portion of Manchester crossed nan Merrimack River. This vicinity is location to Rock Rimmon Park and section restaurants and is adjacent to nan beautiful Piscataquog River Park. Rimmon Heights has historical brownstones, Victorian, Art Deco, and modern single-family homes, arsenic good arsenic modern high-rise apartments.

Median Sale Price: $490,000

Average Rent for 1-Bedroom Apartment: $1,325 | Average Rent for 2-Bedroom Apartment: $2,200

Homes for Sale successful Rimmon Heights | Apartments for Rent successful Rimmon Heights

7. Somerville

Somerville is chiefly a residential vicinity located southeast of nan downtown area. You tin find immoderate organization parks and respective section restaurants successful nan area. Somerville has flat buildings and single-family homes successful styles for illustration colonial, ranch, and contemporary.

Median Sale Price: $372,500

Homes for Sale successful Somerville | Apartments for Rent successful Somerville

Manchester is nan largest metropolis successful nan authorities of New Hampshire and nan largest metropolis successful bluish New England. Manchester is known for its business heritage, riverside mills, affordability, and arts & taste destination.

8. Southside

Southside is conscionable southbound of nan Somerville area. This vicinity is chiefly residential, pinch immoderate parks for illustration nan Clem Lemire Athletic Complex and Precourt Park. You tin besides find immoderate awesome shopping centers nearby. Southside features a operation of single-family homes and duplexes.

Median Sale Price: $390,000

Average Rent for 1-Bedroom Apartment: $1,632 | Average Rent for 2-Bedroom Apartment: $1,734

Homes for Sale successful Southside | Apartments for Rent successful Southside

9. Straw-Smyth

Straw-Smyth is located successful nan eastbound portion of Manchester. This vicinity is location to Derryfield Park, nan Weston Observatory, and nan Smyth Tower, a historical landmark. You tin find plentifulness of shops, section restaurants, and different hidden gems. Straw-Smyth features a operation of historical Victorian homes and modern townhouses.

Median Sale Price: $459,500

Homes for Sale successful Straw-Smyth | Apartments for Rent successful Straw-Smyth

10. Lower South Willow

Lower South Willow is located successful nan confederate portion of Manchester adjacent nan Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. This vicinity has plentifulness to do, specified arsenic exploring nan Aviation Museum of New Hampshire, Crystal Lake Park, and nan Mall of Manchester. Lower South Willow has colonial, ranch, and modern single-family homes and flat buildings.

Median Sale Price: $470,000

Homes for Sale successful Lower South Willow | Apartments for Rent successful Lower South Willow

Methodology: All neighborhoods must beryllium listed arsenic a “neighborhood” connected Redfin.com. Median location waste value information from nan Redfin Data Center during March 2024. Average rental information from Rent.com during March 2024.

Source Redfin