Get lifetime access to top documentaries for under £150

Trending 11 months ago

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TL;DR: A life subscription to a Curiosity Stream Standard Plan is connected waste for £142.57, redeeming you 55% connected database price.

In a world wherever immoderate car makers complaint drivers monthly fees to usage their heated seats (yep, that’s a existent thing), Curiosity Stream’s life subscription is simply a gem successful nan rough. There’s nary drawback aliases password-sharing rules (like immoderate different platforms) — conscionable salary erstwhile and watercourse documentaries and nonfiction contented for life.

And, pinch this limited-time value drop, Curiosity Stream’s life plan is only £142.57. That’s a price you won’t find anyplace other online.

What will you watch first? Curiosity Stream has contented connected each of your favourite subjects for illustration science, technology, history, nature, and art. Take a look astatine a fewer of nan included series: Into nan Jungle, Deep Time History, Polar Bears, The History of Home, and nan award-winning Stephen Hawking’s Favorite Places.

Discover thousands of movie-length documentaries and shorter shows, and ever look guardant to thing caller to watch pinch regular contented updates.

Just for illustration different streaming services, Curiosity Stream offers high-definition contented connected aggregate devices, hunt devices to thief you find your adjacent binge-worthy series, and a watch-later database to bookmark everything that interests you. You’ll moreover person nan action to download contented up of clip to watch offline, for illustration connected your commute aliases flights.

Mashable Deals

But, dissimilar your different streaming services, you’ll ne'er beryllium charged monthly aliases yearly fees to bask content. Plus, pinch truthful galore documentaries and docu-series astatine your fingertips, your mode of intermezo whitethorn besides move into an avenue for learning.

Get a lifetime subscription to Curiosity Stream while it’s connected waste for £142.57. No coupon is needed for this best-on-web price.

Source Mashable