Super Bowl LVII: how to watch the Kansas City Chiefs play the Philadelphia Eagles

Trending 2 years ago

Super Bowl LVII is being played astatine nan State Farm Stadium successful Glendale, Arizona, astatine 6:30PM ET connected February 12th, pinch nan Kansas City Chiefs facing disconnected against nan Philadelphia Eagles.

No matter what you usage to watch it, nan Super Bowl should beryllium a nosy and breathtaking event, whether you’re much willing successful nan star-studded halftime crippled (featuring nine-time Grammy victor Rihanna), nan commercials, aliases — surprise! — nan crippled itself. We’ve sewage nan info you request astir how, when, and where. And arsenic much accusation becomes disposable astir entertainers, ads, and different cool stuff, we’ll proceed to bring you updates.

As it did successful 2020, Fox will beryllium capturing nan crippled successful 1080p HD pinch HDR; nan web will past upscale nan provender to 4K — truthful if you person a 4K TV group or a compatible streaming device, you’ll spot an improved broadcast (and hopefully little compression), but thing that’s not rather arsenic crisp arsenic if it were captured natively successful 4K. However, if you’re an Xfinity X1 cablegram customer, you tin besides watch nan crippled successful Dolby Vision HDR, though it’s little clear what that will beryllium capable to add. The Verge’s Chris Welch is pursuing up connected this, and we’ll connection much info arsenic it comes.

What clip will nan Super Bowl start?

Kickoff is astatine 6:30PM ET connected February 12th, which is 5:30PM CT, 4:30PM MT, and 3:30PM PT, but there’s judge to beryllium plentifulness of Super Bowl-related programming up of nan show.

What web is nan Super Bowl on?

Fox is broadcasting nan Super Bowl this year.

How tin I watch nan Super Bowl?

Here are immoderate different options to drawback nan game, including streaming.

On a smart TV aliases computer

  • Sling TV 
  • FuboTV (offers a free trial)
  • DirecTV Stream
  • Hulu Plus Live TV
  • YouTube TV (offers a free trial)
  • NFL Plus (offers a free trial)

On your telephone aliases tablet

  • Fox Sports App
  • Any streaming work app that includes Fox.

Via cable, antenna, aliases satellite

If you person a accepted method of watching TV, you tin tune successful to your section Fox station, which should beryllium airing it.

In Spanish

This year, you’ll beryllium capable to watch nan Super Bowl connected Fox’s Spanish-language network, Fox Deportes. You tin besides watch it via Telemundo Deportes by either tuning your TV to nan Telemundo aliases Universo transmission aliases by downloading nan Telemundo Deportes app successful the App Store or Google Play store.

Read more :The best TV deals ahead of the big game

From extracurricular nan US

The NFL has a full database of nan world channels that will beryllium showing nan Super Bowl connected its website. Here’s a mini selection:

  • Canada: CTV and TSN will beryllium showing and streaming nan Super Bowl successful English, and RDS will beryllium airing it successful French.
  • The UK and Ireland:  Super Bowl sum tin beryllium recovered connected ITV, Sky Sports NFL, and Sky Sports Main Event.
  • Japan: According to nan NFL, nan Super Bowl will aerial connected DAZN and NTV.

Listen to nan game

If you would for illustration to perceive to nan Super Bowl, present are immoderate options:

What clip is nan Super Bowl’s halftime show? 

The halftime show starts aft nan first 2 quarters of nan game, which should astir apt beryllium sometime betwixt 8 and 8:30PM ET.

What nan heck is nan Puppy Bowl?

If you’re into tiny animals, nan Puppy Bowl is for you: it’s a broadcast by Animal Planet meant to promote canine take (and there’s a halftime show for folks who for illustration cats). Puppy Bowl XIX will return spot connected Sunday, February 12th, astatine 2PM ET / 11AM PT connected Animal Planet.

Where tin I find much accusation astir nan game?

SBNation’s Super Bowl hub has each nan latest news astir nan Super Bowl, further specifications astir nan crippled and its players, arsenic good arsenic game-day analyses.

What commercials tin I expect to see?

Many of nan ads person been released up of nan large game, and a batch of them make references to celebrated culture. Here is simply a sampling:


This is Breaking Bad pinch Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul cooking up PopCorners alternatively of, well, thing little legal.


Another video reference, this 1 to Clueless pinch Alicia Silverstone, who is looking bully and pushing for nan Rakuten shopping site.


Squarespace offers a satire of nan emblematic character promotional video pinch Adam Driver — or, rather, pinch Adam Driver and Adam Driver and Adam Driver and...

Michelob Ultra

Spoofing nan movie Caddyshack, a group of celebrated actors and sports stars bask themselves astatine nan fictional Bushwood Country Club.

General Motors and Netflix

Two companies subordinate forces for an advertisement successful which Will Ferrell drives a GM EV done a assortment of well-known Netflix productions, leaving havoc successful his wake.

Source The Verge
The Verge